Be With You

Document Genre

Personal Game Concept Documents

Game Genre

Mobile Tree Simulation Game


Game Pitch Slides
Pre-production Document
Digital Prototype Specification

1. Game Pitch

2. Pre-production Document

3. Digital Prototype Specification

Pray To Me

Document Genre

Personal Game Concept Documents

Game Genre

Mobile Voice-Controlled Wish Granting Simulator


Game Pitch Video
Concept Document

1. Game Pitch

2. Concept Document

UFITT Gym Game

Document Genre

Freelance Commercial Game

Game Genre

Various Proposals + Life Simulator Game


Game Pitch
Three Concepts Brief
Client Concept Document

1. Game Pitch

2. Three Concepts Brief

3. Cilent Concept Document

Arctic Hunting Game

Document Genre

Freelance Commercial Game

Game Genre

3D Hunting Simulation Game


Concept Proposal

1. Concept Proposal